Seeing Spots?

As the days get longer and the weather warms up, Spring is the second most popular time of year to join a gym (after January). There is also a notable increase in beauty appointments. We all want to be beach-ready in time for Summer. Sometimes it’s only when we start reducing our layers of clothing and venturing out in public with bare arms or shoulders that we notice the condition of our skin.

One of the fantastic things about living in the Bundaberg Region is the climate, but that outdoor lifestyle also comes with risks. Most of us know what we should be doing to protect our skin, but what do you do when the damage is already done?

Kaleidoscope Skin Cancer Clinic on Barolin Street is the first clinic in Australia to treat severely sun damaged skin using the German-made Medisun PDT 1200 light.

KSC Principal Medical Practitioner Doctor Charles Blair said the procedure, known as painless photodynamic therapy (PDT), was commonly recommended for patients suffering from precancerous skin conditions such as actinic keratosis.

“Actinic keratosis appears as rough, dry or scaly patches on the skin. Sunspots develop after years of high sun exposure and are more common in people with fair skin. It can become cancerous if left untreated,” Charles said.

Australia has the world’s highest incidence of actinic keratosis. In Queensland the rate is estimated to be as high as 60 per cent in people over the age of 40, according to News Medical.

Charles said the treatment worked by applying a non-toxic photosensitising cream to the affected area, which was then activated by the highly-specialised light source (Medisun PDT 1200).

“It targets and destroys abnormal cells, leaving healthy skin unaffected,” he said.

“PDT has the cosmetic advantage of being less invasive than surgery, with little to no scarring. In some patients, PDT can also improve the appearance of large pores and pitted acne scars. The duration of active treatment is shorter than other topical at-home treatments like efudix. Downtime is also typically less.

“Photodynamic therapy may not be for everyone, so it’s important patients speak to their doctor. Depending on your unique medical circumstances, PDT in Spring may help rejuvenate your skin in time for Summer but remember, prevention is always better than treatment.”

Original post by Crush Magazine